Hi Jim,

I apologize for not having properly shared all the details before, but I was not able and I'm still not able to copy from the VirtualBox window the text from the FreeDOS session - it let me save pictures of the screen but not selecting the text; anyway I've used a workaround: I've redirect the output of the DOS commands to text files ( "... > textfile"), copy them to A: (so in the IMG file attached to FreeDOS session in VB) and opening the IMG file from outside VirtualBox, then copy&paste the content of the "textfile" here below.

Here below the content of OWSETENV.BAT that I've not changed:

@echo off

if "%WATCOM%" == "" goto SetEnv
if not exist %DOSDIR%\BIN\VFDUTIL.COM goto SetEnv
if errorlevel 1 goto SetEnv
goto End

echo Open Watcom C/C++ Build Environment


Here below the PATH, after having called OWSETENV.BAT file:


Here below the content of the file output.txt after the "wcl prova.c > output.txt" command run from C: with prova.c file in C:

Open Watcom C/C++16 Compile and Link Utility Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
    wcc PROVA.C
Open Watcom C16 Optimizing Compiler Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
PROVA.C: 7 lines, included 771, 0 warnings, 0 errors
Code size: 19
    wlink @__wcl__.lnk
Open Watcom Linker Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
loading object files
searching libraries
creating a DOS executable

Here below the content of the file output.txt after the "wcl prova.c > c:\output.txt" command run from A: with prova.c file in A: (note: output redirect to output.txt on C:)

Open Watcom C/C++16 Compile and Link Utility Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1988-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
    wcc PROVA.C
Open Watcom C16 Optimizing Compiler Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
PROVA.C: 7 lines, included 771, 0 warnings, 0 errors
Code size: 19
    wlink @__wcl__.lnk
Open Watcom Linker Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
Error! E3033: file __wcl__.lnk: line(1): directive error near '€'
Error: Linker returned a bad status

Here below the content of the file output.txt after the "wcl prova.c > output.txt" command run from A: with prova.c file in A: (note: output redirect to output.txt on A:)

, included 771, 0 warnings, 0 errors
Code size: 19
    wlink @__wcl__.lnk
Open Watcom Linker Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1985-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://wOpen Watcom C16 Optimizing Compiler Version 1.9
Portions Copyright (c) 1984-2002 Sybase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.

What has been writeen in the output.txt file IS NOT what I see on the screen when I run the "wcl prova.c" command run from A: with prova.c file in A:

What I see on the screen when I run the "wcl prova.c" command run from A: with prova.c file in A:is exactly what has been written in the file output.txt on C: in the test before.

After having seen the content of this last output.txt I've started thinking that there's something wrong in how data are just written on the IMG diskette file, in some cases at least. So, I've run the command "dir > dir.txt" from A: and I got the following:

\80\00
name PROVA
A:\PROVA.C|\88\00\80\E9 \96!\00\00CODEDATABSSTLSDGROUP_TEXT\AB\98\00(\00\88\00\80\FEO\A5\96\00CONSTט\00H\00\96\00CONST2\A3\98\00H\00\00  \96\00_DATA\E5\98\00H\00\00

V\AE\90\00\00main_\00\00\00Z\A0
\00\00\00prova\00,\8C\00_cstart_\00_small_code_\00'\88\00\80\9FclibsD\88
\00\80\9Fmath87sÈ\00\80\9Femu87\9B\8A\00\00tbase, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Source code is available under the Sybase Open Watcom Public License.
See http://www.openwatcom.org/ for details.
a:\PROVA.C: 7 lines

The content is meaningless and not at all the expected output of a "dir" command.

Here below the command "dir > dir.txt" from C:

 Volume in drive C is FREEDOS2022
 Volume Serial Number is 1643-19EE

 Directory of C:\

APPS                 <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:08p
DEVEL                <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:09p
DOC                  <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:19p
FREEDOS              <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:06p
GAMES                <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:07p
NET                  <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:07p
PGME                 <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:08p
UTIL                 <DIR>  11-11-2024  6:08p
COMMAND  COM        85,480  07-10-2021  7:28p
DIR      TXT             0  11-12-2024  7:11p
FDAUTO   BAT         1,940  11-11-2024  6:08p
FDCONFIG SYS           770  11-11-2024  6:08p
KERNEL   SYS        46,256  02-20-2022 12:16p
PROVA    C              77  11-10-2024  7:58p
PROVA    EXE         8,692  11-12-2024  7:02p
PROVA    OBJ           344  11-12-2024  7:02p
SCREENC  TXT           866  11-12-2024  7:02p
         9 file(s)        144,425 bytes
         8 dir(s)   1,774,583,808 bytes free
Press any key to continue . . .

Which is exactly what was expected.

So, at this point it looks to me that there's nothing wrong with OW itself, but there's something wrong with the IMG file (corrupted file ?!) or anyway on how files are read or written on it ...



Il 11/11/24 23:50, Jim Hall via Freedos-user ha scritto:
On Mon, Nov 11, 2024 at 11:47 AM Davide Erbetta <davide.e1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Jim,

let me first say that I'm using FreeDOS in VirtualBox. I've made a fresh
new install of FreeDOS and OW from the FreeDOS distribution CD as suggested.

I had the C file ("prova.c) on A: drive, an IMG file attached as A:
drive. On this IMG file on A: I had no issue in writing, compiling with
i16gcc, etc. I had the doubt that this (C file on "diskette" - IMG file
as A:) could be the source of the error, so I've made the following.

I copied the C file on C: drive as well and I did the tests:

This is a very weird problem, I cannot replicate it on my end. For
what it's worth, I boot FreeDOS in QEMU on Linux -- but the virtual
machine shouldn't matter here, because you say you can compile fine
using IA-16 GCC.

Here's what I did:

First, I defined a new 720k floppy disk image and booted my QEMU
instance with it (as the "A:" drive). I also formatted it as a 720k

And I created a hello.c file on the A: drive:

A:\>dir /b

A:\>type hello.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
   puts("Hi there!");
   return 0;

I also copied the hello.c file to the C: drive, at the root: (I used a
slightly different name so it was always clear which program file was

C:\>copy A:\hello.c hello2.c
A:\hello.c =>> hello2.c

Then I reproduced your steps:

1) from C: I've run "wcl prova.c" --> it works!

This also works for me:

C:\>wcl -q hello2.c
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

Hi there!

2) from C: I've run "wcl a:\prova.c" --> it works!

That works for me too:

C:\>wcl -q A:\hello.c
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

Note that this creates the hello.obj and hello.exe in the current
directory on the C: drive, so you have to run it there:

C:\>dir /b hello.*

Hi there!

3) from A: I've run "wcl prova.c" (what I've done in the last days) -->

I don't get the error. This step works for me:

A:\>wcl -q hello.c
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

Hi there!

4) from A: I've run "wcl c:\prova.c" --> ERROR!

I still don't get this error. This step works for me. Note that
compiling a file in another drive or directory will create the output
file in the current directory, so I was able to run the output in the
current directory:

A:\>wcl -q C:\hello2.c
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994
DOS/4GW Protected Mode Run-time  Version 1.97
Copyright (c) Rational Systems, Inc. 1990-1994

Hi there!

(while if I run "wcc prova.c" + "wcl prova,obj" it always works, from A:
or C:)

So it looks like if I run "wcl" from A: it has issue. I don't know why,
but I hope it helps.
I assume the comma in your above command is a typo? You wrote "wcl
prova,obj" but that should be "wcl prova.obj"

Yes , it was a type, sorry for that.

I think the only way to figure this out is for you to share your
OWSETUP.BAT file (in case it was edited) and your PATH variable, and
copy/paste the exact messages you see when compiling. See above: When
I show my examples, I'm literally copying & pasting the output of the
commands into this email. I think "ERROR" is not a good enough
description, we need to see the actual output text.

For example, here is my OWSETUP.BAT (I edited it to add an alias to
FED and LS, and turn off output messages with DOS4G .. although I
"un-set" the DOS4G variable before I ran any of these commands)

C:\DEVEL\WATCOMC>type owsetenv.bat
@echo off

if "%WATCOM%" == "" goto SetEnv
if not exist %DOSDIR%\BIN\VFDUTIL.COM goto SetEnv
if errorlevel 1 goto SetEnv
goto End

echo Open Watcom C/C++ Build Environment


echo ON

set DOS4G=quiet
alias LS=DIR /O:GNE /W/B/L
alias FED=C:\apps\fed\fed.exe

And here is the PATH variable after I run OWSETUP.BAT:


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