On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 4:02 AM Sabina Zelená. <sabina.zel...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Greetings,I got a delivery-failure notification,when I tried to ask
> the user-email-forum,so sorry for bothering U again,but probably I
> have Read-Only access to the mailing list,even,when I posted my guide
> to selective installation of FreeDOS to an SD card used as system
> drive,then it looked,it was sent to the forum successfully(then I did
> not received an error message),but maybe even that was not posted,as
> I never got a replay to that,that was about a half year ago.
> Tonight I asked,is DOS Navigator 16 or 33bit & got an error message,so
> I am probably banned from the forum/limited to read-only access,is it
> possible,my guide to install FreeDOS to SD card pissed off some admin &
> thus I cannot post anything else to the forum?
> Because I did not posted anything else,just that guide a half year ago
> & tonight the following text,to which I got error message as an only
> reply,so may I ask U for answer,as I can obviously no longer write to
> the mailing-forum?

It just didn't get through. We use SourceForge for our email lists,
and it looks like the SF email list servers have been down all
weekend. I also received a "failure" message this morning, for an
email I sent on Saturday morning. We have a support ticket opened with
SourceForge, so we're hoping it will get resolved soon.

The email list server issue aside, I wouldn't "read" anything else
into not receiving a reply. If it was just informative (which it
sounds like it was; you wrote: "..posted my guide to selective
installation of FreeDOS to an SD card..") then probably no one felt
they needed to reply to it.

But you cc'd my personal email when you sent this message, so I'm able
to reply to you. I'm cc'ing the email list with hopes that this email
thread makes it through there somewhere, when SF fixes the email list

> /the original text,i tried to send to the mailing-forum & failed/:
> Greetings,I noticed some messages like DOS/32A etc.after closing DOS
> Navigator,is it 32bit,or that is only about 32bit file access?
> If it is 32bit,since which version?
> Which is the last 16bit version & which is the 1st 32bit version?
> I do not c DOS4GWlike extender in it...& I wish to sort my SW
> collection properly,i have separate folders Programs.D16 ,Programs.D32
> ,Programs.W16 & Programs.W32 ‎& I try to have programs sorted this
> way by architecture,it is also relevant,when for example I am building
> a 286 system,in which case it is good to have 16bit programs sorted
> away from 32bit ones to avoid wasting storage with incompatible ones.

Correct, DOS Navigator 2 ("DN2") is a 32-bit DOS program. It uses
DOS/32A as its extender.

I haven't followed the history of this app, but I think DN2 has always
been 32-bit.

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