---- Le ven., 05 avr. 2024 11:38:28 -0400 Jerome Shidel via Freedos-user  wrote 

 > Hi Paul,
 > Just a side note about installing using the FullUSB.
 > One of my DOS test machines is an Acer One netbook with a 1Ghz Atom 
 > processor and an ancient 30Gb SSD. This machine has no CD/DVD drive. It does 
 > boot from the FullUSB when written to a flash drive. It takes about 5 
 > minutes from start to finish (boot, partition, reboot, install, reboot) to 
 > do a Full install without sources. 
My about 40 mins [did not really check the clock]  in an emulated (kvm) was 
Full install with sources.

Also... using FullUSB just because not liking [understand less] the iso format.
I take/took for granted, that USB key format is the same as an hard disk... so 
used the USB key image on an emulated hard disk.
But I realize that I could use the USB key image on an emulated USB key:

 > Although it can only use one at a time, modern versions of FDIMPLES can use 
 > different local package repositories. 
 > You could have different repos on different drives. Or, even multiple ones 
 > on the same drive in different paths.
 > When FDIMPLES starts, it checks the current drive for a repository in one of 
 > the standard paths. If it does not find one, it searches existing drives C: 
 > through Z: for a repository. 
 > You can also tell it to check a specific drive (and/or alternate path) for a 
 > repo at startup. 
 > For example,
 > C:\>fdimples e:
 > C:\>fdimples d:\repo-1
 > etc.  

So, I guess this tend to suggest the follwing approach for most people: (almost 
obvious, but was not really told to me before)

Have C: be the target hard disk, have D: be the installation disk...

on installation, boot D:  , do a minimal installation, then on usage boot C: 
but with D: present, 
do fdimples D: to add needed packages.

People that need packages only present on Bonus disk should add the E: drive 
with the Bonus image, and use
fdimples e:
to add packages from the bonus disk.

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