The quality of the VGA to HDMI adapter isn't great but it works.  In
particular, on an HB8088 with an NEC v20 CPU & Chips 451 VGA there's large
banding and the signal seems to ripple on dark black.  On a Dell Optiplex
9020 with a Core i7-4790 the banding and ripple are reduced (probably a
better signal coming out of the Intel HD's VGA port).  Even better, the
Optiplex has USB for Legacy Support, Legacy BIOS boot option, will boot DOS
off a FAT32 USB drive, has a really clean video signal if you use a
DisplayPort to HDMI adapter (last video).  Didn't have a chance to do
something like run PhilsComputerLab DOSBench suite but that could be next.
The DP to HDMI adapter happens to be a variant of this (
A USB keyboard, mouse, DP-to-HDMI, USB drive, and 4GB or less RAM (9020 can
use 1GB & 2GB DDR3 DIMMs), you have a legacy free DOS machine (retro
rocket) for very little money.  You could even add a USB Floppy to the mix.

Videos on Google Drive (
Apologies in advance for the poor narration, background noise, and lack of
video editing.  I rushed this out before leaving the house for the weekend.
I had planned to edit out the audio but ran out of time.  Video is still
"processing" by Google at the time of this writing.

On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 11:25 AM Felix Miata via Freedos-user <> wrote:

> Bill Gee composed on 2024-01-26 12:59 (UTC-0600):
> > Go back to the original set of questions that started this ...  My
> > FreeDOS machine is plugged into a KVM switch which supports only VGA and
> > PS2.  In the near future - 6 months or so - that KVM must be upgraded to
> > support HDMI displays and USB keyboard/mouse.  In order to continue
> > using the FreeDOS machine, it also must support HDMI display and USB
> > keyboard/mouse.
> New day after long sleep. I forgot. :)
> > I could put it on a dedicated display, but there is no place in the
> > house to set it up that way.  The FreeDOS system has to live on my
> > computer rack.
> > I was leery when I bought the adapter, but I figured for $10 it was hard
> > to go far wrong.  It was worth a try.
> It still is worth trying, but with more skill applied, and almost
> certainly more
> money spent. :p Surely you're not the only one with similar configuration.
> I am able to avoid KVM issues with big physical desktop, 6 displays, 3
> full-time
> keyboards, 2 trackballs, one mouse, and a *lot* of cable switching, for
> 40+ PCs,
> normally with at most 3 up at once, occasionally a 4th, along with cable
> switching
> multiple times most days.
> --
> Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
>         based on faith, not based on science.
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata
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