> What I'm wondering is if the following (piping into a .BAT) is
> considered acceptable or "standard" for DOS.
> "prog1.exe | %COMSPEC% /c work.bat | %COMSPEC% /c fixups.bat
> some.txt"
> Does that work like I'd expect? (Seems to ... barely.) Is it rare?
> Is it buggy? Is there a better way?

Though I don't know for sure, I have a couple of thoughts.  First of all, what 
you're doing isn't really piping into a batch file.  You're piping into 
%COMSPEC% which is then, at least in a sense, running the batch file sort of 
like a subroutine.  I would be very surprised if all the varied %COMSPEC%'s 
would be consistent in how they handle that.

I do know that in a "regular" program there are three different places from 
where you can normally gather input parameters: the command-line (which is 
stored in the PSP or, in certain cases, the CMDLINE environment variable), 
various environment variables, and the input pipe (through an INT 21h call).  
Those come from three very different places, and the program needs to decide in 
which order they will be processed.  Most programs I've seen don't even bother 
looking at the possibility of an input pipe and usually assume everything comes 
from the command-line via the PSP.

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