> Hi fellow users :-)
> I have been wondering which chars are special in SET
> in FreeCOM and whether they can be escaped or similar.

I don't know specifically about FreeCOM, but I know in some versions of DOS an 
environment variable can't contain an equals sign.  For example, in some DOS 
versions you can't do this while in others you can:

  SET ParameterList=Var1=1,Var2=2

This has caused me some grief in the past when I try to allow the user to enter 
option parameters either from the command-line or from an environment variable. 
 For example, if the program I'm trying to run is called PROGRAM I allow the 
user to set an environment variable named PROGRAM that contains the "default" 
command-line parameters:

  SET PROGRAM=Option1=Yes, Option2=No

I want that to work the same way as if the user had done this:

  PROGRAM Option1=Yes, Option2=No

Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, depending on which version of DOS 
I am using.  And I'm not even sure it is consistent across all different DOS 
versions from the same manufacturer.  BTW, the way I get around this problem is 
to allow the user to either enter an equals (=) or a colon (:) as the separator 
character and explain the situation in the documentation..

The reason I bring this up is that in a recent post there was some discussion 
over whether or not FreeDOS should fix all the bugs in MS-DOS (essentially, 
improving MS-DOS) or duplicate the bugs, and the consensus seemed to be to 
duplicate the bugs.  I don't know if allowing an equals sign in an environment 
variable would be considered a bug or a feature, but I would classify it as a 
bug, and I don't remember specifically how MS-DOS handles it.

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