Was there a reason this doesn't seem to be included on the usb installer
(if it is I can't find it)

I and trying to get a multiboot setup

   1. MSDOS 6.22 + Win 3.11
   2. FreeDos 1.3
   3. I was going to do XP but annoying so no. (it dumped on drive "E",
   getting networking and drivers was a damn pain so bleh I won't be using it
   much anyway.
   4. And a Older laptop friendly Linux that runs on XFCE and

This is going on a Dell Latitude D520
And when I go to install  FreeDos on a partition from the USB Installer iso.
It really, really  wants to overwrite the MSDOS

So I was thinking that I could..

Install MSDOS
Boot with FreeDos, run xFdisk , mark the msdos drive as hidden, and install
a bootloader
like this

But if it wasn't added I am wondering if it is bad, or just not maintained.
I might be able to do this with the live gparted CD, but I have never
installed grub manually before.

So maybe I do the
MSDOS install
Create and format a partition for FreeDos
Install Linux
and fix the grub to then do freedos

Why? cause I always get asked...

Because I want to code some stuff for windows 3.11 last time I did I
was working in VB 3 lol,
run XAppeal and DESQview/X 2.1 and cause if they can do it see If I can
port a minimal xserver to FreeDos for fun. And I really don't want to do
any of that in a VM.

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