> All true, but you forgot about the most important: COM links are not
> limited to 9 command line params (%1-%9). This is actually the reason
> that made me design the COM links files that are used nowadays in
> FreeDOS.

That's not true.  The SHIFT command in batch files allows you to access more 
than 9 parameters.  But it is more cumbersome and confusing to use than how you 
handle it in an executable file.

As a sidebar, a "normal" command line is limited to 126 characters total, but 
some command shells (notably 4DOS) extend that by using the CMDLINE environment 
variable.  From what I can tell, the FreeDOS command shell doesn't support 
that.  Allowing more than 126 characters can give you access to a HUGE number 
of parameters.

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