Hi! To forward some recent bookmarks for other DOS fans to enjoy, I would like to share some links to the DOS ain't dead BTTR forum: *Diagnostics software for DOS* https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/board_entry.php?id=16853&page=0&order=time&category=0 ASTRA 6.91: http://www.sysinfolab.com/ HWiNFO 6.2.2 by Martin Malik: https://www.hwinfo.com/download/ System Analyser by Hans Niekus https://sysanalyser.com/ (2011) NSSI https://www.navsoft.cz/products.htm (2010) In particular, ASTRA and HWiNFO are actively maintained and received several updates discussed in the BTTR thread :-) *FDISK 1.3.4 off-by-one CHS versus LBA bug and fixes for it* https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/board_entry.php?id=19762&page=0&order=time&category=0 This also links to https://gitlab.com/FreeDOS/base/fdisk/ Most recent conclusion is that if LBA is active in BIOS and FDISK and a partition ends on a cylinder boundary < 8 GB, then the end is wrongly rounded to the next cylinder. A similar bug exists for the end of the whole disk. *Ranish partition manager revived* https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/board_entry.php?id=19691&page=0&order=time&category=0 As the source code of Ranish Partition Manager is public domain now, https://codeberg.org/boeckmann/ is working on updated versions made with fresh compilers and with added LBA support. Cool news :-) *Soundcard emulation ponderings* https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/board_entry.php?id=19549&page=0&order=time&category=0 This thread discusses the possibilities for soundcard emulation on modern hardware. The original idea being vdmsound + hx dos. There are no code or working recipes there yet, but the thread could inspire others who want to dive into the possibilites. I suggest to change the subject when replying to one of the good news listed above, so we can discuss it in a separate freedos-user thread for clarity. But I hope it was okay for you that I bundled them all in this single "announcement", or overview email. Regards, Eric PS: Thanks for sharing the news about UPX 4.0.1, Jim! https://sourceforge.net/p/freedos/news/2022/12/upx-401-released/ Checking the milestone lists, this fixes FreePascal 3 compresssion (fixed in 3.99) etc., while many other updates are not DOS related. _______________________________________________ Freedos-user mailing list Freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/freedos-user