Hallo Herr tauro via Freedos-user,

am Mittwoch, 3. August 2022 um 00:18 schrieben Sie:

>> Apparently on your system the letters D:-G: are already assigned to 
>> something (like maybe some USB drives or some extra partitions on the hard 
>> drive(s)?).
>> You can try seeing if anything exists on the D:-G: drives (e.g., by doing a 
>> "DIR D:") and see if you can figure out what's going on.

> Thank you for your answer Bret, it came in just as I figured out by what
> was the
> problem.

> I installed FreeDOS using the LiveCD, which also partitioned my disk and
> formatted the C drive.

> Disabling the fdauto.bat and fdconfig.sys files I saw this message:

> - InitDiskWARNING: using suspect partition Pri:1 FS 0b: with calculated
> values
>  �261-254-63 instead of� 262-254-63
> C: HD1, Pri[ 1], CHS=��� 0-1-1, start=���� 0 MB, size =� 2055 
> MB
> WARNING: using suspect partition Pri:1 FS 0b: with calculated values�
> 523-254-63
>  �instead of� 524-254-63
> D: HD1, Ext[ 1], CHS=� 262-1-1, start=� 2055 MB, size =� 2055 MB
> WARNING: using suspect partition Ext:2 FS 0b: with calculated values�
> 785-254-63
>  �instead of� 786-254-63
> E: HD1, Ext[ 2], CHS=� 524-1-1, start=� 4110 MB, size =� 2055 MB
> WARNING: using suspect partition Ext:3 FS 0c: with calculated values 
> 1024-254-63
>  �instead of�� 24-254-63
> F: HD1, Ext[ 3], CHS=� 786-1-1, start=� 6165 MB, size =� 2055 MB
> WARNING: using suspect partition Ext:4 FS 0c: with calculated values 
> 1304-254-63
>  �instead of� 281-254-63
> G: HD1, Ext[ 4], CHS= 1048-1-1, start=� 8220 MB, size =� 2015 MB

> I don't know if the warning is normal, but from what I could check, the
> FreeDOS LiveCD installer by default doesn't create a single FAT32 
> partition (10
> GB HDD), but instead it creates a single 2048 MB primary partition, 
> formatted
> FAT32, and four 2 GB logical partitions, and it doesn't format them.

> Since the partitions aren't formatted, FreeDOS doesn't mount them, but
> it still
> assigns them a letter, and that explains why I had this problem. I didn't
> expect this to be the default behavior, that's why I didn't check the HDD
> partition table to see what was going on.

> To solve this, after deleting the partition table, I booted the LiveCD and
> repartitioned the disk using fdisk. It created a single 10 GB partition
> which I
> later formatted to FAT32 with the included format.exe.

> After that, the installation went flawlessly and the problem was solved.

> It would make more sense if the installer made a single FAT16 2 GB 
> partition, or
> used the whole disk to create a FAT32 partition. The crucial bit is not to
> silently create the four logical partitions and also leave them unformatted.

> I suggest that there should be an option to let the user decide what to do
> between these two options or something else.

I really seldom do this, but +1


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