Hi Nico,

> I'm only interested in the files on the USB drive. Also, I'm not sure if 
> this will have to run on EFI machines, my main target is like the 
> 2000s-early 2010s laptops that some people seem to have lying around. My 
> main main target is specifically my laptop from that time period, and if 
> other people use it then that's cool too.

Regarding laptops: Power management might be an issue.

Worst case is the CPU running at full speed sucking all energy from the
battery in under 30 minutes. (Also giving you a lot of noise from the fan.)

Depending on the laptop's hardware have a look at:
- FDAPM and/or IDLEHALT (<http://wiki.freedos.org/wiki/index.php/FDAPM>
- (my tiny) EIDL (<http://www.bttr-software.de/products/eidl/>)
- HLTIDLE (<https://pcdosretro.github.io/hltidle.htm>)
- DOSidle (<https://www.sac.sk/download/utilmisc/dosid210.zip>)

BTTR Software   https://www.bttr-software.de/
DOS ain't dead  https://www.bttr-software.de/forum/

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