>   Jim Hall said:
>  | Let's say you wanted to run FreeDOS EDIT every time FreeDOS boots up.
>  | The full path to EDIT is C:\FREEDOS\BIN\EDIT.EXE, so you would create
>  | a custom FDCONFIG.SYS that probably looked like this:
>  |
>  | FILES=20
>  | BUFFERS=20

On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 9:59 PM Jose Senna <jasse...@mail.com> wrote:
>   What if you use the /P switch when loading the shell?

The /P switch in FreeCOM says that COMMAND.COM is a permanent shell,
so it never exits (the EXIT command does nothing). That /P
("permanent") feature probably doesn't exist on other applications,
because they don't need it.

In my example, I used the theoretical example of running a different
application (FreeDOS EDIT) as the shell. You can actually run any
program as the shell, but whether or not that is a good idea is up to
you. For example, if you needed to launch other programs *before* the
dedicated app, then running the program as your shell is not a good

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