Thanks, to you and Louis, 

 but also I have been using Links -g
for a long time and am quite satisfied. However, as freedos still has
Arachne in its package -in fdimples- and there is also a new release of
Arachne 1.99, I thought it was still usable in freedos ( I still
remember the polemic ten years ago on freedos -user -mailing about the
request to abandon Arachne from freedos.) 



08.03.2022 09:56 Björn Morell ha scritto: 

> I second that, Links 2.25
is nice especially on slower machines ( i run real ones , one 100 mhz
and one 1000 mhz). 
> Den 2022-03-08 kl. 07:05, skrev Louis Santillan:

>> You might try Links2 Browser in graphics mode. 2.25 is the latest
>> [4] 

>> On Mon, Mar 7, 2022 at 11:02 AM wrote: 
>>> Hi!
>>> I have used
Archne for a long time many years ago.
>>> Currently, both in freedos
1.2 and 1.3, ( no dosbox ) even with the latest release of Arachne it is
in fact impossible for me to use it.
>>> I know of arachne's well known
issues with https and jv, but it also seems to not recognize the normal
wattcp.cfg I use with links, lynx or gopherus. In fact I have to
manually set my ip address, nameserver, gateway and even then it is very
slow and often crashes. Even in off-line mode, for example as a .jpg
viewer, it is very slow and tends to freeze.
>>> Are there any
underlying incompatibilities with freedos? is the 16 bit problem? a
recognition problem from my ADSL fast fiber line?
>>> Yet, I repeat,
with my ethernet drivers both links and gopherus are fine and fast.
thanks Andrea 
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