On 3/3/2022 9:43 PM, Travis Siegel wrote:
I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure linux does have locking in various increments.  File locking being the easiest, then access to portions of said file.  You may need to use various interfaces to accomplish the tasks, but there are several programs I use regularly on linux that couldn't function properly without some form of locking/sharing.  You may need to do some research into how linux handles such things, but I'm positive such apis/includes exist. It's kind of required considering the multitasking nature of the os.

I'd be extremely surprised if MacOS didn't have something similar, considering it's based on Free BSD, and like linux, BSD almost has to have such facilities, just because of it's very nature. Perhaps you're not looking in the right places for documented information on such things, or perhaps I misunderstood the issue, and if so, I apologize for the confusion, but I can't imagine any way linux and MacOS don't have locking/sharing as part of the os in some way.
As I mentioned, I am dealing with this for a larger (commercial) programming project. Again, neither Linux nor macOS properly support record locking (yes, there is a very rudimentary file locking in both of them, but that is no solution when requiring record locking in applications that share a common database but do not require a dedicated file server). This was added to DOS (and mostly, but not completely supported by Windows) back in DOS 3.0, when first networking was introduced, in a rather simple to use and effective way.

Yes, it is surprising that this doesn't exist in Linux (macOS gives a rodents posterior regarding server use to begin with), but there has been the trend to work in a client-server setup, where such a server, as a single task/entity/application is in control who can read and/or write what contents and what time.

If you have a viable API, that works across at least a wide range of distros, if not all of them, then please share your wisdom. I would be glad to make use of that and reduce the amount of conditional program depending on the OS compiled for necessary...


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