Well. I am not a programmer. Summarizing, modern audio support in DOS is 
quite difficult. There aren't modern drivers; but some programs have inside 
support for a wide range of modern soundcards (Mpxplay is the best example). 
Mpxplay works perfectly in my computer.

Have you tried this version of Mplayer? RayeR's homepage/Download
For old games, the easiest way for me is running this version of the HX 
EXTENDER with modern sound support: 

|  | 
RayeR's homepage/Download




    En martes, 4 de enero de 2022 00:34:05 CET, Paul Edwards 
<mutazi...@gmail.com> escribió:  
 Thankyou everyone for your answers. I've made a
lot of progress and Freedos is looking fantastic.

The first problem I would like to address is that I
have installed the DOS version of mplayer and the
video is working fine, but there is no audio.

Some research said that I need to use jemm with /sb
to get audio to work.

I'd like to ask a more fundamental question - why does
video not require a driver to be installed, but audio does?
Is audio more complicated than video or something? Or
was it never properly standardized by IBM or someone?

Next question is - what does emm have to do with a
sound card driver?!

I'm only guessing that my laptop is compatible with
soundblaster. What are the odds of that being true?

Any suggestion on what to do to get sound working?

Thanks. Paul.

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