Try the very LAST LINK below first to obtain the relevant brochure.

Email from "You're missing out on Cyber Monday deals, Richard" -Shop 
HP's Holiday Gift Guide > CYBER MONDAY > Workstation power (HP Book Studio G8 
Mobile S40X7UA#ABA)

When going to the above laptop model from the email the link  for "CYBER WEEK" 
page is

Clicking on the image (of laptop)  -  link is

Going to the Specs of same

NOW (in the Product Specifications of the above link) CLICK ON THE HP Data 
Sheet line (printed in blue)

AMS WS - HP ZBook Studio 15.6 inch G8 Mobile WorkStation PC DataSheet

and the link (for the brochure) is

I refer you  to the "Available Operating Systems" near the top of page 2

Note that the previous models similarly had FreeDOS 2.0 as an available 
operating system (for a number of years).

From: Jim Hall <>
Sent: Wednesday, 1 December 2021 12:38 PM
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Question about FreeDOS 3.0

On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 7:00 PM<> 
<<>> wrote:
I am new to trying to setup FreeDOS as bare-metal configuration to use instead 
of Windows 10 for programs I am writing.

I notice that HP computer company has FreeDOS 3.0 as an option for Available 
Operating Systems. Is this anything to do with this forum? Any advantages for 
me to use this instead of RC1.5 version etc.

I have attached a screenshot from the HP specifications page for you to study - 
I hope this attachment does not go against any forum rules.

Thanks for sharing this. The attachment wasn't too big so the email list 
accepted it. Otherwise, a copy/paste of hte text would be preferable.

Can you share a link to HP's site where you found this? There is no "FreeDOS 
3.0" - as Michal commented, we haven't released the final release of FreeDOS 
1.3 yet, so FreeDOS "3.0" is impossible. So clearly HP is advertising this 
incorrectly. I can follow up with HP if you can share the link where you found 

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