I had 6 copies. As you can see I don't use gmail.IanIan ParkEmail: 
i.d.c.park@chalmers-park.nameMobile: +44 (0) 7785 300290Sent from my Samsung 

-------- Original message --------
From: Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> 
Date: 01/11/2021  11:45  (GMT+00:00) 
To: "Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS." 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] reminder reminder? 

Interesting. I only received the one copy of the reminder email. But Bryan said 
he got multiple copies.I'm replying to the email list to see what others 
received.On Mon, Nov 1, 2021, 3:47 AM E. Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
hi jim,

is it just my mailbox acting strangely or have people received the 
monthly reminder 6 times today?
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