> Bret, if we talk about real hardware with FreeDOS (or even DOS), using
> your USB drivers. Is there any way to attach an USB gamepad and have
> some kind of program that maps that USB gamepad as a game port
> gamepad, so old games that use the gameport can work with a USB
> gamepad?

That's exactly what the USB drivers do, though it can be fairly complicated to 
setup, and again only works with certain hardware.  There are several factors 
to consider -- the first is to make sure you have a compatible (UHCI) USB Host 
Controller.  UHCI Host Controllers are made by either Intel or Via.  Probably 
the best/easiest way to do that is to download the USB drivers from my web site 
(http://bretjohnson.us) and run the USBHOSTS program.  It will tell you what 
kind(s) of USB host controllers you have installed.  If they're not UHCI, my 
drivers won't work.

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