Hi folks,
Anyone successfully making direct use of the tunein.com site,
On a machine running freedos  as the only operating system?
If so, what are you using for browser and playback?
I stress again that I am not interested in anyone doing this by running freedos as a virtual system on top of other systems. More than once i have been asked why I still prefer MS Dos 7.1 to running freedos. My answer remains that I use DOS exclusively, not for playing games. Meaning that I continue to seek something I can get in freedos as a stand alone system that I do not already have so to speak. One example where I would consider running freedos would be on a laptop, outfitted with native networking with a wireless adapter that I could use for travel. There is no existing Linux system that I could run in this fashion, because for me personally, there is no existing Linux system providing the adaptive technology I both desire and require.
Still, my focused question is on the tunein.com site or platform?
Anyone able to illustrate  freedos working in this fashion?

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