> On Jun 1, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> […]
>> said it is memory issue and solved also by installing FreeDOS on hard drive
>> in Pentium machine. That's how I did it as well and it works. Even
>> installing a lot of packages on 486, the fdimples will crash with out of
>> memory while browsing packages tree and selecting many packages.
> That sounds as if FDIMPLES had too little DOS memory free?

It is related to memory. However, not really tied to how much free memory is 
available on his machine. 

Like I’ve mentioned many times before… FDIMPLES is just a front end UI. Actual 
installation and removal of packages is done by FDINST (part of the FDNPKG 

For the end user, this isn’t important. However to install some really big 
packages, FDINST requires a lot of low memory. This means FDIMPLES has to have 
a very small memory footprint. 

FDIMPLES looks simple. However, it correlates multiple pieces of data. 
Something like as little as 1 up to about 8 different metadata files and a 
handful of other data points for each entry. 

All of that is pulled through something that resembles a prioritized cache. As 
it runs out of memory, it discards less important data first then ever more 
important data until sufficient memory is available to complete its current 

Basically with the extreme memory constraints placed on it. Sometimes, it gets 
stuck needing some low importance data and is forced to hold onto or keep 
recaching the same data.

Just having FDIMPLES reserve more RAM for itself would fix it. But, then 
insufficient memory would be available to FDINST to install some of the really 
big packages.

The current version of FDIMPLES improved this a lot. But, it still does happen 
far to often (like at all). I just need to find the time to completely resolve 

With the little RAM it is permitted to consume, I’m often amazed it manages to 
work at all.



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