Thanks again, Frank:

As I've already written, I myself have investigated the dark rabbit
hole of MS-DOS networking for you:
Unzip the three directories to your DOS hard drive, take a look at
the config.sys suggested, and see if you can get your DOS box to take
a breath of your LAN.

As you had suggested, on the FreeDOS PC, in C:\MSNET\ I entered "start".

Get an IP address from DHCP and ping something
on the LAN.

Then I could ping from that PC to my printer, Ubuntu PC and Ubuntu laptop.

Chances are that this part will work right off the bat.

It worked fine. I haven't yet tried to do the same from C:\PKTDRV>. And I don't know what MTCPAPPS is for.

I'm fairly confident about the follow-up technologies in Linux (for
your printing intermediate box). It doesn't look like a headache to
set up, but it may require some tinkering and back-n-forth e-mail

If you have time and you're still curious about stuff, you might
actually find that tech entertaining.

I appreciate learning basics as I go.

It's not gonna clog your Linux
printing setup or swamp your network or anything.

I had worried that the DOS machine on my network, would give easy access from the Internet for gremlins!

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