On 27 Apr 2021 at 18:24, Liam Proven wrote:

> A BIOS is one type of firmware. UEFI is a different type of firmware.
point cordially taken.
I'll pay attention to be less casual about my vocabulary at this 
mailing list :-)

I do have a bit of an etymological issue with the thing being called 
a "firmware" though. In the sense, that "firmware" originally used to 
be something running on an MCU in some peripheral device, that you 
did not run your own software on. Firmware used to be for black 
boxes. Calling a BIOS a "firmware" is marketing newspeak to me :-)

BIOS/UEFI are mostly some services stored in an EEPROM, including a 
primitive loader to get your OS bootstrapped. It all runs on my x86 
PC computer's main CPU, and is just about good enough to get my 
modern OS airborne - once the OS is airborne, the BIOS/UEFI services 
have a marginal role.
[/subjective rant]

(And then there's the AMT BMC, good for god knows what. And yes that 
does have a firmware worth that name, stored in the same EEPROM chip 
as the system BIOS/UEFI.)


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