Etcher has a validation step also, which I find reassuring.

There is a linerar relationship between the length of the source code
and the number of bugs, so it is probably not quite as bad as X1000.

Perhaps X100.


On Thu, 15 Apr 2021 18:02:51 +0200, Liam Proven wrote:
> Balena Etcher is one of my favourite examples. It burns ISO images to
> Flash drives, and nothing else. This is a job you can do in 500 kB of
> code if you're very lazy and inefficient.
> But Etcher is an Electron app: it's written in JavaScript (a *wildly*
> bad choice for such a task) and so it embeds an entire copy of the
> Chromium web-rendering engine just to display a line of text and ask
> which file and which drive.
> Result: it's an 85MB compressed download, and that's after they have
> managed to make it smaller in recent releases.
> It is on the order of _one thousand times_ bigger than it needs to be
> to perform its task. That implies that it has in the region of a
> thousand times more potential bugs, vulnerabilities etc.
> Just to write a file to a device, something I'd normally do with the command:
> dd if=linux.iso of=/dev/sdb
> (27 characters and contains 90% of the functionality of Etcher.)

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