On Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 08:59:05AM -0700, Johnpaul Humphrey wrote:

> So my question is, why do YOU use FreeDOS?
> Is it primarily nostalgia? Legacy program support? Speed?

Visit sites like "vetusware" and you'll see that there's plenty of programs
that can still be useful today, while being used on modest hardware. You
don't need multicore CPU and 16-64 GB of RAM tu run spreadsheet or text
processor, it seems (just one example). Or to play interesting game.

DOS became the best "retro-computing" platform; while most of the software
for Amiga or Atari ST, that can be seen as still interesting even today, is
almost only gaming-related software, using DOS you are actually limited when
it goes to Internet services; for most of other areas of your activity you
can still use DOS software.

And please note, that there's still plenty of DOS-compatible hardware around
that can be bought on eBay etc. at rather decent prices, while e.g.
Amiga-related hardware (or similar) became very expensive

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