>  * I would like to be able to automate the build process as much as
>    possible, avoiding complex install requirements as are often the
>    case with cross compilers.  This means automatically downloading the
>    compiler would be great, so it knocks out something like Borland
>    Turbo C which although free, doesn't allow redistribution.  So a
>    compiler with a more open licence would be better.

that' s easy, and has been around xxDOS for about 35 years.

distribute the binary PROGRAM.EXE

almost no xxDOS user expects to have to build executables by
themselves. that's a linux concept (which is ok) but for many years
amounted to something like

to build this,
  point the path to xxx
  set environment to yy=xxx\bin

  might actually build a binary.

in addition, net connectivity of a new DOS machine is much less then
guaranteed. so downloading a compiler (franework) is not guaranteed,
and probably not a good idea about software distribution.


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