On Mon, 11 Jan 2021 10:25:10 +0100, Eric Auer wrote:
> It MUST not be bootable if you want Windows to stay the
> main operating system. If you were able to run Linux, it
> would be easier to insert a boot menu.

Yes... Linux creates a boot menu, I thought that was obvious.

> Another thing is that you say you have tried the 8086
> compatible floppy edition: This may have NO support for
> FAT32 partitions, only for FAT16 partitons.

Ah, that makes sense.

> So you will
> be better off with FreeDOS versions requiring 386 CPU
> or newer, even if it means you have to skip HIMEM each
> time at boot.

Back to square one then.

> Note that either way you probably have to do SYS C: after
> booting DOS. Doing that with tools from inside Linux or
> Windows can be unreliable and/or more complicated. If you
> can use Linux or Windows to partition and FORMAT, I would
> prefer that compared to using DOS FDISK or DOS FORMAT.

Well, I'm done partitioning I hope, ever since I first bought the

So format in Windows OR Linux but NOT Freedos, okay.

Windows, Linux same difference?

Hmm, I was hoping to install Freedos before Linux but that seems
increasingly unlikely.


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