12 Noon eastern would probably be ok, but, later wouldn’t hurt, as I have a 
morning meeting on Sat and Sun that probably won’t interfere, but, it’s tricky.


So, if you do go later, for the gentleman in Australia, I wouldn’t complain, 
but, I know that would be hard on the folks in Europe as well.


Just keep us posted, and I will try my best.


It’s been a long time since I talked to anyone who knows anything about a DOS 
prompt.  My wife and kids wouldn’t know what to do if their computer just said, 
“C:\>”, or worse “A>”.




From: Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> 
Sent: Saturday, November 7, 2020 6:15 PM
To: Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. 
Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Possible zoom metting?


The last time we got together, we thought we should do another one in early 
December. I haven't set it up yet. We'll probably do it on Saturday, December 5 
or Sunday, December 6.


The specific time of day is tricky, considering all time zones. The 
get-together in late June was 9am US/Central, and the one in mid-August was 
11am US/Central. That seemed to work well. I think most folks are from the US 
or Europe. Noon US/Central is 6pm UTC, so maybe we'll do something around that 


On Sat, Nov 7, 2020 at 4:39 PM <joseph.nor...@gmail.com 
<mailto:joseph.nor...@gmail.com> > wrote:



Are you guys planning another Zoom meeting?  Depending on the time and day, I 
might be able to join in also, but, I seem to have lost the original mail about 




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