You mean like these? [0][1][2][3][4]

Personally, while I think real hardware is great, I've resolved to
mostly using emulation.  I mean, if I had access to USB, WiFi, Flash,
SSD, NVMe, SATA 30 years ago, I would have used it.  So, why shouldn't
I use it now to run old software better than I could have imagined
back then?


On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 10:57 PM Jon Brase <> wrote:
> One thing I'd really like to see is a single board computer that plugs into a 
> USB and/or SATA cable on one end and a pair of PATA cables and a floppy cable 
> on the other. You put a multi-terabyte hard drive or SSD (or several of them) 
> at the USB/SATA end, and an old PC at the PATA end, then stuff the hard drive 
> full of disk images. You then have software on the SBC that can receive ATAPI 
> commands over the PATA cable to set which images get presented on the ATA and 
> floppy cables, and some management software whatever operating systems you 
> want to run on the PC that can issue those commands (or maybe a bootloader 
> that can switch images). That way, if you're multi-booting, you don't have to 
> worry about finding space to fit everything on an 8 GIB drive if one of your 
> OSes (or your BIOS) can't handle anything larger: you just give each such OS 
> its own 8 GiB image, which the SBC presents to the PC as a hard drive.
> I've seen similar floppy-only projects that allowed the user to select a 
> floppy image on a USB stick with a pair of next image / previous image 
> buttons, but never something on as grand a scale as described above, where 
> the goal is to serve all of an old PC's storage interfaces with images stored 
> on a single modern drive.
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Michael Brutman <>
> Date: 10/2/2020 21:38 (GMT-06:00)
> To: "Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS." 
> <>
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Modern add-ons for ancient PC
> The retrocomputing crowd has a lot of these projects now, and they generally 
> work.  Most are based on open source designs so the quality will vary from 
> vendor to vendor.
> The 8 bit IDE cards for example are based on a project called XT-IDE that I 
> was part of back in 2008/2009. (See the genesis of the project at 
> .  The 
> original version of the card had the traces optimized on my work laptop while 
> it was idling.)
> If I were buying an XT-IDE I would be getting it from 
>  I haven't purchased any of the recent 
> variants; all mine are gen 1 from the first production run.  And I've not 
> tried out memory boards but they are generally known to work; they are not 
> particularly complicated.
> Mike
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 4:34 AM Eric Auer <> wrote:
>> Hi! Mentioned in a video mentioned by Rugxulo on BTTR,
>> I noticed that there is a shop where you can get some
>> circuit boards to do-it-yourself 8-bit ISA extension
>> cards for your ancient computers for features such as
>> more RAM, IDE or Compact Flash interfaces or even USB
>> interfaces which are bootable. Interesting technical
>> detail: They use EEPROMS which you can program without
>> using a programmer, just with magic write sequences.
>> Has anybody tried any of those products? Are they okay
>> for the task at hand? Note that the shop usually has
>> only the PCB, not the pre-built devices, so you have
>> to get the components elsewhere and solder yourself in
>> most cases. They also have a few ready to use products.
>> Cheers, Eric
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