Hi Bret,
Again i can respect the individual experiences you are outlining. That is
what makes personal computing personal after all.
The thing about Lynx, speaking personally, is that the browser is updated
rather frequently. what was a problem in the past might no longer be
the case depending on your individual configuration and needs.
That being said, your comment motivates me to suggest on the Lynx
development list that a dos package be updated, has been a while since
one specifically compiled for DOS has been put together.
Further what one defines as DOS can have some flux too. Others here speak
of the djgpp project, something I am considering as a test for a laptop,
with my absolutely buying the item suggested earlier in this thread for
the Internet, I need a more flexible DOS road machine.
Unlike some, I personally would not diminish the computing choices of
others, its nifty reading of major older hardware in use, but personally
I have not run DOS on anything less than a p3 computer for ages...but
that is me.
On Wed, 9 Jan 2019, Bret Johnson wrote:
Hi Karen:
I've tried various DOS browsers in the past, and they've all been less than
stellar. Arachne, Lynx, Dillo, Links -- all have problems that make them
unsuitable for me. Arachne in particular was very unstable for me and seemed
to crash constantly.
I do like Michael Brutman's MTCP stuff, though it doesn't include a browser. I
use HTGET from a DOS batch file to automatically download a bunch of data files
from some government sites, and use SNTP to synchronize the time to an atomic
So, I do use DOS Internet connectivity for some things, but find it too limited
for web browsing.
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