Hello all,

Today I released a new version of DOSMid, my midi player for DOS. 
Changelog below.

DOSMid v0.9.4 [09 Dec 2018]
 - UI displays channels as 'piano' if no instrument is explicitely loaded,
 - reduced libc dependencies (smaller footprint),
 - displaying the MIDI tracks count,
 - displaying the amount of memory used by the MIDI file,
 - backspace key jumps to previous song of the playlist,
 - minor memory optimizations,
 - fixed a memory leak in midi code,
 - fixed RIFF-RMID header decoding,
 - fixed playlist gap delay computation (fixed /delay behavior, too),
 - adaptations to compile in small memory model (smaller, faster),
 - removed /log from the default build,
 - /noxms can be passed via config file now,
 - GUS support (requires the ULTRAMID TSR).

Homepage: http://dosmid.sourceforge.net

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