Just as an FYI, USB flash drives (a.k.a. thumb drives, pen drives. etc.) do 
something similar but it's called wear-leveling instead of TRIM.  In flash 
drives, though, it's all automatic (built into the hardware/firmware of the 
drive) and you never see it or interact with it directly.  The flash drive 
periodically does a "clean-up" process in the background where it moves data 
around to different places.  The very first flash drives didn't have this and 
tended to wear out pretty quickly, but later flash drives all have it and last 
a lot longer than the old ones did.

The reason for this is that even though things are solid state, there is still 
some "wearing" or "degradation" that goes on over time.  It supposedly only 
happens when you write to the disk but not when you read from it.  So, at least 
in theory, you can read an unlimited number of times but if you keep writing to 
the same places all the time things will eventually wear out and stop working.

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