I've got an unusual issue that I've been trying to solve for several days but have had no luck.

Running FreeDOS in a QEMU-based VM, on a Xen hypervisor (it's actually the Qubes OS)

I managed to get it all installed and it runs well except for one problem:  Screen refresh is too slow, even with simple graphical interfaces like Tandy Deskmate.

After much research I am guessing that the VM is emulating some type of hardware that FreeDOS is not optimized for.  And the system I am running the VM on does NOT allow me to change the hardware emulation easily.

The frustrating thing is that I faced this exact same problem when I tried running Tandy Deskmate in a Linux VM under DOSBox. And then when I was poking around, the problem cleared up and screen refreshes were super fast!  But for the life of me I have not been able to replicate this success on FreeDOS.

I'd be open to any suggestions as I think I've tried every possible setting.  Thank you!


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