
On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 3:47 AM Random Liegh via Freedos-user
<freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> I'm not sure this has any value for FreeDOS beyond experimenting (can
> this be built by the VAL linker? seems doubtful) and possibly getting
> some ideas

Not sure why you think VAL is the main target or only 16-bit linker
worth using. There are probably a dozen of freely available linkers
that can target 16-bit OMF for DOS.
MS used to still publicly host their last 16-bit linker (circa 1994)
somewhere (FTP?) (but using PharLap Extender, thus it was 32-bit
hosted but targeted 16-bit. Although even OMF/OBJ had 32-bit
extensions in later compilers by Borland and MS, et al). I think MS VC
1.52 was the last to support 16-bit stuff (although I've never used
it, don't have it, don't need it, don't care, etc), so that particular
linker is almost definitely related to that suite (patched version

My main reason for investigating linkers was using an ancient (circa
1991?) freeware compiler for DOS (Oberon-M 1.2 by Erwin Videki). It's
so old that it was from when LINK was still included in MS-DOS proper,
hence he didn't include his own, so I had to find a replacement. So I
tried a bunch of linkers and had to write a small patch util to nop
out an "obsolete" (REGINT) record from the "main" .OBJ for it to work
with certain linkers. Japheth even patched his JWlink for me because
Wlink didn't handle it properly.

Honestly, I have no direct interest in this ancient MS-DOS re-release,
even though I guess it's cool that they open-sourced it. It's too weak
(DJGPP won't run), and FreeDOS is already more functional. (But I
guess it's "better" for 8086 retro users who care about low RAM
usage.) Sorry for the rambling about linkers, just saying that we have
various other alternatives (e.g. Alink, Valx, Warplink).

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