On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 12:36 AM Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:
> I am wondering if anyone else here uses this dos package for any of their
> internet work?
> by contrast  how or if I can still reach the package developer?
> I have a unique issue that I must explore with someone very used to
> this particular  program.

What is the unique issue?  The problem I'm aware of is that SSH is
intended to provide secure communications to a host, but flaws have
been found in various of the cryptography schemes used.  IIRC, a
version of TLS is the current method used.  If your SSH package uses
something else, the other end might refuse connection, and if you use
a DOS product, it may well use something else and good luck getting an
update that will work.

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