> On Jun 12, 2018, at 4:00 PM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> Hi people, the whole bttr-software.de website no
> longer shows me any content, just a login popup.
> This has started a while ago, but is persisting.

Not just you. I jumped over there and got the same thing.

> Does that mean that the forum now requires a form
> of "to be acquired by magic" login for new privacy
> law's sake and I missed the announcement?

Doubt it. But, that brings me to another point. 

The GDPR. 

Other than simple web server logs for monitoring download counts and security 
purposes (hacking attempts and such), none of my sites do any form of tracking. 
Heck, they don’t even pull in any libraries or content from third party sites 
(I might be referencing some google fonts on a couple sites. But, I’ve been 
removing those. I’ve got to go over some old CMSs I wrote a long time ago. I’ll 
get to them sooner or later).  In general, I don’t like any form of tracking or 
data harvesting.  I don’t even disagree with the intent of the new EU 


I do many things strictly on general principles. I refuse to be regulated by 
any foreign body or government in any way. This is regardless of wether or not 
I agree with their regulations. In protest, I am considering redirecting all EU 
traffic to a “your out of luck” page or just blocking all EU traffic. Or, I may 
just block everything outside the US. But... Since I don’t collect information 
and it would suck for users, I have not yet decided on my personal response to 
them overstepping their authority. 

> Or is
> the site actually down, and if so, why?

My guess... Going straight to a request for a login is kinda odd. Looks like 
someone dropped an htaccess file in the root to lock it. Probably having 
serious server issues. Or, got hacked. With anything else, you expect at least 
a “sorry come back later page” 

> Thanks for giving me a hint :-) Regards, Eric

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