On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 5:08 PM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:

> The NL also love digital payments for all
> everyday expenses, although studies show
> that this lets people lose proper view on
> their expenses. On the other hand, you in
> the US must be used to pay many things on
> credit, which has similar side effects.

The US is increasingly cashless.  Credit cards are only part of it.
Banks also issue debit cards which deduct directly from the configured
account.  We use very little cash on a day to day basis, and are happy
about it.

Doing everything electronically *does* make it possible to lose proper
view on expenses if you fail to actually read your monthly statements.

(And those, Ironically, are often still on paper.  We get paper
statements from our bank informing us of interest earned on an
interest bearing checking account.  That account has just enough cash
to cover bills paid with it, with the rest elsewhere.  It costs the
bank more in postage to *report* the interest earned than than the
earned interest itself.

We'd be just as happy to have that reported electronically, but
applicable regulations apparently require the bank to do it on paper.

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