> 2018-01-16 13:20 GMT-02:00 Christian Imhorst <christian.imho...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi,
>> what kind of Dell do you have?
>> Do you know their support page? There is a tutorial how to flash the Bios 
>> with FreeDOS or with a Linux system installed:
>> https://www.dell.com/support/article/de/de/debsdt1/sln171755/updating-the-dell-bios-in-linux-and-ubuntu-environments?lang=en
>> Hope it can help you.

On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 9:28 AM, Mario Menezes <mo.mene...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Christian,
>  I've followed all information on Dell page for Linux users, I've created 5+ 
> different types of images with freedos, using at least 3 different freedos 
> versions, etc, etc. I also followed some additional information on Ubuntu 
> wiki pages as well as on Arch Linux user forums.
>  It doesn't matter which of the above process I use, when it come to FreeDOS 
> prompt, the result is the same: "Test." and nothing else.
>  It seems that FreeDOS is not able to run these executables, at least in my 
> Inspiron 7520 (15SE).

The "Test" output implies that the program is attempting to perform a
self-test before it installs the BIOS update. This is likely trying to
write the BIOS image to a temporary directory, then run a checksum on
it. You should check that you have a TEMP value set, and that it
points to an existing, writable directory.

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