On 11/17/2017 10:24 PM, Ralf Quint wrote:
On 11/17/2017 11:36 PM, Random Liegh via Freedos-user wrote:
Hi, all
I have the zips I posted set up in a freedos vm.
My problem with being unable to compile outside of the desmet folder
were solved by setting the variable "dinc" to where I am keeping the
.h files (as well as adding my desmet folder to my %PATH%).
The version I'm using is 2.1, and I'm able to compile c88 and gen from
I'm having no luck compiling 3.1's asm88, though. I doubt I will as
there's errors with the code that both 2.1 and 3.1's compilers choke on.
I'm going to keep playing with 2.1, but I doubt I'll get very far.
I have been able to get in contact with Bill again and he is looking
into the latest set of source that he has worked on to recreate the 3.1L
and 3.1N versions from the 3.1h sources he got.
That's great news!
And there are several things in the 3.1h sources that won't compile with
a pre-3.1 compiler,as they use ANSI style for example.
And what is that version "2.1" you're working with? There is no such
version, it would be even older than the most common version 2.51...
Sorry for the confusion. I was mixing up asm88 (which reports 2.0) with
c88 (which reports 3.1b) .
Also, I have been working on the manual, doing an OCR on it and cutting
it into smaller pieces to work on it and I will bring that on par with
the stuff that Bill has...
Also wonderful news -thanks!
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