From: Rugxulo <>


On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 2:03 AM, Mateusz Viste <> wrote:
> On Tue, 11 Apr 2017 22:24:56 -0500, Rugxulo wrote:
>> What disassembler are you using here? I erroneously thought it was NDISASM.
> I don't use ndisasm for a very trivial reason - I am unable to redirect
> its output to a file, so I don't really know how other people use it

It worked fine (redirecting) for me yesterday! I can't imagine why it
wouldn't work for you.

> I didn't figure out any quick and easy workaround (again, too stupid).

Um, excuse me, but he called you "lazy" and "clueless", not "stupid".
I guess we should add "forgetful".   ;-))  j/k

But I'll point to this anyways, "redir", just for a general tip (in
rare case you didn't already know):

Oh, before I forget, are you perhaps invoking NDISASM via some .BAT?
Of course a .BAT doesn't really redirect (under FreeCOM) without
kludge, e.g. "%COMSPEC% /c".

> The output I pasted before was copied from the NASM listing (-l).

Hmmm, then NASM is being a bit too tricky for its own good.

I do (very naively!) wonder whether "warning: 8086 conditional jump
extended" would be appropriate. Actually, having "[386]" (etc) in
NDISASM output would be nice. (The only workarounds for that are BIEW
and QVIEW, IIRC both of which color-code various instructions. Not
sure about various debuggers off the top of my head.)

> And although I do look at the listing carefully, I do not bother decoding the
> opcodes by hand (too lazy!),

Maybe you should use Lazy Assembler (LZASM)?!    :-P      Nah, it
needs a separate linker, even for .COM (bah, too slow, we're too

> I assume that the assembler knows how to
> encode mnemonics into opcodes - that's his job after all, not mine.
> Ultimately, whether the code is assembled into a "long, 5-byte form of
> jump" or "two separate instructions that emulate a jump" is irrelevant to
> me - in both cases it's still 5 bytes, that all I need to know.

I can't even honestly complain, it's indeed a "feature", not a bug!
Not mandatory but certainly nice to have.

>> The simple answer is that code size is rarely as important as programmer
>> convenience.
> Maybe. But why bother doing assembly then, if not for the control over
> what machine code is generated at the end?

I was trying to imagine thinking like them, not speaking for myself. I
personally like size optimizations in assembly (obviously??). E.g.
"add si,2" is three bytes but (times 2) "inc si" is only two! But you
won't see a lot of programs that actively try to save such few bytes.
Nobody cares. (Well, most other people!)

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