From: Jerome Shidel <>

> On Jan 2, 2017, at 2:18 AM, Wolfgang ANdreas Heisele <>
> I have made a small video to show my issue with freedos 1.2 and syslinux.
After installing it freedos does not boot because it is looking for kernel.sys
in c:\fdos\bin\ were there is no such file. Also it seems to be only looking
for files in c:\ and kernl386.sys renamed and copied to c:\ is not fully
working. Please, watch the video and tell me what or where kernel.sys should
> Otherwise booting into kolibri os works like a charme with this method!

Nice video. :-)

KERNEL: By default, the C:\KERNEL.SYS is the booted kernel for FreeDOS 1.2. It
is 386 version and is the same as the C:\FDOS\BIN\KERNL386.SYS that gets
installed during the installation process.

FDIMPLES: When you launch FDIMPLES, it searches for any of the FreeDOS 1.2
install media, repository CD-ROMs and local package directories. If it cannot
find any of these package sources, it just continues without them. Any packages
that are installed and not included in one of those package sources are grouped
together in a rCL! InstalledrCY category. This behavior allows the user to
browse their installed packages and remove items without bothering to mount
their package source media.

In the future, the plan is for FDIMPLES to also be able to pull packages from
multiple online repositories. Instead of being limited to a single repository,
this would allow for users to connect to other repositories that could even
include closed source software.

Hope that helps a little,

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