From: dos386 <>

> > The bloat increase is just incredible :-D and sure RAM and CPU
> > consumption grows too

> One man's bloat is another's feature. I've been running Mozilla code
> since it was still an internal Netscape

COOL ... at that time they refused to add support for MNG as it
would add 10 KiO of bloat ... now we have 50 MiO bloat of the
browser + 20 MiO bloat of Flu$h instead :-D

> The big step towards that came from Cisco.  The defacto standard
> encoding for video these days is H_264, but it's a proprietary spec

There used to be a draft back in 2007 recommending Theora
for coming HTML5 ... but it was trashed after pressure of some
companies (Adobe, Banana/Apple, ...) ... and now 9 years later
we have 10 times more bloated browsers and still no usable
standard, and most video pages still rudely cry for Flu$h.

> You are *not* representative of the mass user base

well :-D

> and what works for you will not work for 99% of the rest of the world

You are wrong. The Internet used more or less to work for 99% of the
world ... the problem is that those 99% love to throw away something
that works (proverb: "change the winning team ASAP") for no reason.

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