Hello group,

Not that long ago I announced here a new software I have created, named 
EtherDFS. EtherDFS is an 'installable filesystem' TSR for DOS. It maps a 
drive from a remote computer (typically Linux-based) to a local drive 
letter, using raw ethernet frames to communicate.

Last weekend I released a new version of EtherDFS, the version 0.8.1. If 
you're using EtherDFS, then upgrading to this latest version is highly 
recommended, as it significantly improves the protocol's reliability 
(especially important with buggy NICs that sometime send more data than 
actually requested by the application - observed at least on Xircom PE3 
dongles, but might happen on other hardware as well).

Changelog since v0.6:

[version 0.8.1]
 - EtherDFS frames are validated by a cksum (can be disabled with /n),
 - EDF5 frames announce their length to avoid troubles with Ethernet 
 - arguments can be passed in any order,
 - /q and /u can be used together.

[version 0.8]
 - improved self-detection to avoid loading EtherDFS twice,
 - added unloading support (/u),
 - fixed a FindFirst regression (fixes usage under 4DOS),
 - fixed SETATTR action when using a non-FreeDOS attrib command,
 - implemented the 'Seek From End' call,
 - minor memory optimizations,
 - makes sure the redirector API is available before installing,
 - support for multiple drive mappings.

[version 0.7]
 - MS-DOS compat: flagging newly mapped drive so MS-DOS doesn't ignore it,
 - fixed FindNext behavior so it's compatible with ATTRIB from MS-DOS,
 - implemented the "Special Open" call (used by COPY in MSDOS 5.0 and 
 - increased timeout retries from 3 to 5 (more reliable on lossy 
 - fixed parsing of the MAC address provided on command-line,
 - minor speed optimizations.

Project's website: http://etherdfs.sourceforge.net


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