
On Wed, Apr 12, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Bret Johnson <bretj...@juno.com> wrote:
> What you're wanting is pretty simple, so a full-blown calendar program is 
> definitely overkill.
> I think I've seen references to programs like what you want to do before, but 
> I don't use any
> of them myself and don't remember the names of any of them.  Somebody else 
> may be
> able to remember or come up with something.

Perhaps this?


> If I wanted to do something like this myself, I would probably just do it 
> with a batch file
> and a general-purpose environment-manipulation program like ASET or STRINGS 
> (one
> place you can get these at is http://reimagery.com/fsfd/batch1.htm).  These 
> kinds of
> programs allow you to do all kinds of things in batch files with environment 
> variables (set
> environment variables to dates, extract lines from files, do various math 
> functions, etc.).
> They ultimately allow you to do lots of things with batch files that are 
> impossible with just
> the standard batch file limitations.
> Doing this with a batch file will require a little bit of effort on your 
> part, but I'm sure you will
> like the results.

Personally, it sounds like a job for REXX, but obviously you can use
whatever tools you like.

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