
On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 9:52 PM, Mateusz Viste <mate...@nospam.viste.fr> wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 17:07:30 -0500, Rugxulo wrote:
>> irrelevant "jz short ..." (when "short" conditional jump is always
>> mandatory for "cpu 8086").
> I don't think so.
> Note that short means "8 bit jump" in this context, and NOT "16 bit jump".

Unless I'm mistaken, conditional jumps on 8086 don't go beyond -128 ..
127 (signed) byte range. Hence the billions of workarounds (TASM
"jumps", MASM "option ljmp", etc).

>> "section .data align=1" is probably what you intended here. (No need to
>> comment it out entirely.
> No need to have it either (not in tiny model).

But you still have it commented out, so I assume you at least wanted
it for descriptive purposes.

>> The program does not end in a CR+LF pair. Thus the output is an
>> incomplete line. Not a huge deal but still (sometimes) noticeable.
> True. I noticed that command.com adds a CR+LF pair whenever a program
> doesn't end with those. This seems to be consistent with both FreeDOS and
> MS-DOS, so I thought I'd exploit this to save a few bytes in the program.

Most (but not all) FreeCOM versions do this too. But ... that won't
work if you redirect the output to file. Then the CR+LF is (still)
missing. Of course, if you really need a workaround, afterwards do
"echo. >>bsum.out" and don't worry about it. (I still have at least
one util with the same problem, but I didn't fix it yet either.
Trivial but annoying. Some tools get confused by such incomplete

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