> Am 13.02.2017 um 06:19 schrieb Dan Schmidt <helpdesk...@gmail.com
> <mailto:helpdesk...@gmail.com>>:
> I hope I am not committing the dreaded "forum necromancy“
I had to look that up… I really liked the picture of the ghoul in the first
google result :-))
> but I thought I might document that the 386 version, combined with the
> mentioned "reset" trick, has solved my issues with ssh2dos stability, thank
> you for the idea.
Congratulation! But as I see it, it was your idea all along.
> Also, quick type-o - "I am not sure why you would want to run SSH in DOS in
> VirtualBox" I did not mean to imply that running Dos on VirtualBox is at all
> strange.
Well… It kind of IS strange. ;-) The reason is simple: I have a bit time to
kill at the moment, so I was taking another look at my
VirtualBox/FreeDOS/Networking images I started a few years ago at
<https://www.lazybrowndog.net/freedos/virtualbox/>. I updated them to FreeDOS
1.2 and was checking if everything still works as expected. And well, SSH2DOS
wasn’t and I was unable to find a fix. So thank you again for your help!
At the moment I’m updating the MS Client pages (sigh).
> Am 13.02.2017 um 06:19 schrieb Dan Schmidt <helpdesk...@gmail.com>:
> I hope I am not committing the dreaded "forum necromancy" but I thought I
> might document that the 386 version, combined with the mentioned "reset"
> trick, has solved my issues with ssh2dos stability, thank you for the idea.
> Also, quick type-o - "I am not sure why you would want to run SSH in DOS in
> VirtualBox" I did not mean to imply that running Dos on VirtualBox is at all
> strange.
> On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Dan Schmidt <helpdesk...@gmail.com
> <mailto:helpdesk...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I didn't try the 386 version, perhaps that will be more stable. Also, if you
> type "reset" before exiting, you can avoid "missing dos screen." (IE - the
> crash every time I exited)
> Ulrich, my friend, I am not sure why you would want to run DOS in VIrtualBox
> on a MacBookPro, but I am glad I could help you. :-) Years ago, several
> other technicians laughed at me when I bought an old Pentium for $5
> saying"You can't do anything with that!" FreeDos helped me prove them wrong.
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 8:02 AM, Ulrich Hansen <my.gr...@mailbox.org
> <mailto:my.gr...@mailbox.org>> wrote:
>> Am 28.01.2017 um 06:23 schrieb Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net
>> <mailto:klewel...@shellworld.net>>:
>> To answer your question for myself, I never have this issue. No crashes,
>> and i can spend hours working on line. Further I have done more than my
>> share of downloads with sftpd386 as well.
>> On Fri, 27 Jan 2017, Dan Schmidt wrote:
>>> My ssh2dos is very unstable - it usually crashes on exit or after five to
>>> ten minutes. Do you have this issue as well? I am curious if I should try
>>> a different version of DOS.
> I made the same experience as Karen: I had SSH2D386 running more or less the
> whole morning while logged into the server. I even ran „top“ for over an hour
> to test the program. No crashes, no sudden exits.
> Other experiences:
> - As I use FreeDOS 1.2 as guest in VirtualBox, I learned that SSH2DOS does
> use the host’s CPU by 100 percent. I limit the CPU execution cap in the
> VirtualBox settings to 40%, but the fan of my MacBookPro is still running
> constantly (but on a lower level than at 100%).
> - After logging into the server, I run the command "export LANG=C“ first.
> Otherwise „graphical“ console programs like midnight commander or
> dpkg-reconfigure will show wrong characters in SSH2DOS.
> So far so good. Thanks to you everything is working well now.
> Ulrich
> .
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