Originally to: ALL


In the three cases (mine and your two suggestions) if DOSLFN is loaded
and enabled, there is no sign of a problem.

If DOSLFN is not loaded, I get the error.

If DOSLFN has been loaded, but I disable it (DOSLFN /D), the error returns.

So, DOSLFN seems to "fix" the problem, at least from a user perspective.

This is FD 1.2.

Thanks again.

>>> It could be a rare kernel bug, but my guess is some buffer overflow in the
>>> IO95 lib. I think this problem is hidden by enabling DOSLFN.
>> Yes indeed that did either mask or "fix" the problem. Thanks.
> In that case please tell in which situations the bug does
> happen and in which not, for example with/without having
> DOSLFN loaded :-) It could still be a bug caused by kernel
> limitations which affect LFN file listing more than 8.3?

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