
On Sun, Jan 1, 2017 at 4:43 PM,  <userbeit...@abwesend.de> wrote:
> I tried to boot FreeDOS 1.2 on my 2005 PC, specs:
> It is the FD12CD.ISO image, booted from CD-R. I chose "Install" and used
> F8 to diagnose the problem.
> DEVICE=\FDSetup\BIN\HIMEMX.EXE stalls the system. It infinitely repeads:
> Invalid Opcode at 0FAE 1068 0046 0001 0002 0000 0200 0000 0000 0183 0000
> 4200 0001
> Skipping HIMEMX.EXE lets me continue with installation.

I wonder if you somehow have a corrupted .iso download. Did you verify
the md5sum? Also, what speed did you burn the CD-R? Slower (4x?) is
presumably better. Even once burned, what is the md5sum of the

Sure, it's possible that your machine somehow doesn't like HIMEMX
(which seems strange). Who knows, it could be some subtle
incompatibility due to BIOS (maybe?? turn off "Legacy USB"??).

Or you may wish to try a different version (e.g. 3.32) just for
comparison (or maybe even alternate drivers like FDXMS or XMGR).

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