
On Sun, Dec 25, 2016 at 3:57 PM, William Dudley <wfdud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a simple guide for networking FreeDOS 1.2 in a VirtualBox VM ?
> 1.2 is too new for there to be anything in the mailing list archives on
> this.
> I never got networking going in the previous FreeDOS release.  Getting files
> in and out (especially out) of the VM is like pulling teeth.

First of all, networking is not necessarily directly related to
getting files to/from virtual media. Not counting mount / loopback (or
whatever it's called), you can copy files to/from virtual disks
(off-line) with various tools, e.g. GNU Mtools (which are, of course,
well-supported under GNU/Linux):


Just extracting a file from a virtual disk is even easier. You can use
WinImage dude's EXTRACT or even 7-Zip's 7z to extract from floppy
.img. Plus, 7-Zip's 7z also supports .vhd (and others).

While .vhd is not well-supported under Linux (unlike Win7), you can
indeed use VBox or QEMU to mount / boot it, which (maybe??) should be
even easier to later access with host integration tools (Linux shared

But as far as the traditional networking goes, for sharing files it
has been suggested to use mTCP's FTPSRV:


But do not get your hopes up too high for DOS networking. While there
is some limited support, expecting a full HTML5 stack with Javascript
is definitely expecting too much. There are also SSH2 tools, but I
don't know how well they work. Same with e-mail clients and the like.
It's not necessarily worth assuming perfect stability there. Don't
expect too much. We're lucky that both FTP and HTTPS even halfway work
sometimes. Expecting everything modern from SAMBA to GnuPG to whatever
else isn't going to end well.

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