> [...]
> I'll follow up with a separate email with edits/fixes for the install
> process.

Putting on my "technical editor" hat, I'm suggesting these fixes and edits
for 1.2-pre16. I know these may seem like trivial edits, but I think they
make the installer more professional.

1. Lists should be introduced either with a question or a colon. I prefer a
question. I've included these edits below.

2. List entries should either have a period at the end of each option, or
it should not. For the installer, I prefer no period. I've included these
edits below. You already use sentence case, which is good.

3. I prefer that the word "FreeDOS" not be written in red. In many
cultures, red is a warning color. Please use blue or bright white instead
of red for the word "FreeDOS" and the "1.2-pre15" label.

4. Similarly, let's avoid red for other text, if they aren't error
messages. The drive letter and package currently being installed both
appear in red. For consistency with the colors used in the quickformat
output, let's use cyan or bright white for this text.

5. The title bar should say "FreeDOS 1.2-pre15 Install" (not "…Installer")

6. When prompting for the language, instead of this:

Please select you language.

..the installer should ask:

What is your preferred language?

7. When asking if the user really wants to proceed, please remove the
periods at the end of each option.

8. When asking to partition the target drive, please remove the periods at
the end of each option. Also, there's a typo in the "Yes" option. It should

Yes - Partition drive C:

9. When prompting to reboot the computer after running FDISK, please remove
the periods at the end of each option.

10. When prompting to format the hard drive, please remove the periods at
the end of each option.

11. When asking what packages to install, please remove the periods at the
end of each option.

12. At the prompt before starting the install process, please remove the
periods at the end of each option.

13. When prompting to reboot the computer after the installation, please
remove the periods at the end of each option.

14. The installer asks "do you wish" in some places and "do you want" in
other places. Let's use "do you want" throughout, for consistency. (For
example, "Do you want to format your drive?")

Is it possible to remove the patterned background, and just use a plain
blue background instead? I think this would look better.

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