Hello Eric (and anyone else who is interested),
Here is a little proof-of-concept demonstration of the issue regarding I/O
redirection in DOSBox.
; begin example code
; NASM 2.11.08 for DOS
; Jerome Shidel, Public Domain.
cpu 8086
org 0x100
mov ah, 0x0b ; DOS Check Standard Input Status
int 0x21
cmp al, 0x00 ; 0x00 = no character available, 0xff = present.
je NoInput
mov ah, 0x08 ; DOS Get character from STDIN, no echo. AL = Character
int 0x21
mov ah, 0x02 ; DOS Write DL character to STDOUT.
mov dl, al
int 0x21
jmp StdPassThru
mov ax, 0x4c00 ; DOS Terminate, no error code
int 0x21
; end example code
Compile with nasm PASSTHRU.ASM -fbin -o PASSTHRU.COM
Run in default DOSBox:
type passthru.asm | passthru.com
Result garbage line of text.
Run under FreeCOM shell inside DOSBox
type passthru.asm | passthru.com
result: .Text scrolls by, then infinite number of blank characters and
control characters.
Run on real (or virtual machine of) FreeDOS, MS-DOS, PC-DOS….
text of PASSTHRU.ASM is output and program terminates.
Thanks, Jerome
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